Monday, August 28, 2017

Total eclipse

Like many, I headed off to see the total solar eclipse last Monday. It was absolutely indescribable. One of the most interesting things I noticed was that the cicadas got louder and louder as the sun's light became dimmer and dimmer then abruptly stopped at the moment of totality, leaving an eerie quiet. Then, when the sun peeked out from behind the moon, their song began again even louder than before, then diminished as we returned to normal sunlight.

What's this got to do with ballet? Not much, except it meant I missed my weekend classes. The Tuesday before I missed due to another social activity, and last Tuesday I missed due to car trouble. So it's been a couple of weeks since my last class. This weekend I had commitments Saturday, but next weekend is the Labor Day three-day holiday here in the USA and my regular school is closed and I really didn't want to skip yet another weekend. Thus I found myself in the Sunday morning Beginner II class.

The Sunday morning Beginner II class is the easier of the two weekend classes. The routines are shorter and less complex. I find some of it lacking in challenge, but I make up for that by focusing on the details of technique that I may not have time for while trying to keep up with the Saturday morning class. It's also something of an ego boost because I can generally get through all of the centre work without feeling lost. I even earned a few compliments from the instructor!

On the other hand, being away from class means I hurt more during and afterward. The seat I sat in on my way to and from the eclipse is uneven, which torques the muscles in my lower back (quadratus lumborum I'm told) which makes my hips hurt and aggravates my right IT band. By the end of class I was walking rather unevenly. I guess I really need to get that seat fixed. It looks like TWB's adult program will be open this weekend so I may try to get down there rather than miss yet another weekend.

For anyone wondering about the adult pointe class, I know nothing new. I haven't talked to Susan since my last update and she's on vacation this week. I'll probably see her in class a week from tomorrow.

Speaking of adult pointe, I met commenter Michelle M., who introduced herself at the beginning of class. I've seen her in class before but I didn't have a name to go with the face. It was nice to meet you, Michelle!

Tuesday, August 8, 2017

Adult Pointe: complications

I asked Susan for clarification re acquiring pointe shoes. She says anyone planning to attend this class should show up for the first class with pointe shoes in hand.

Pointe shoes really need professional fitting, and the fitters get really busy around the start of a new semester when all the kids need new shoes. Also stocks get depleted. From what I've observed while I've been shopping for dance gear, getting fitted for pointe shoes is not something you'll dash in and get done in a few minutes. Schedule yourself some time.

So... if you're serious about taking this class and you don't already have well-fitted pointe shoes, it might be a good idea to start your search soon.

That's the good news. The bad news is a few hiccups have developed:

Sunday, August 6, 2017

Adult Pointe: Almost time to ante up

After a couple weeks away, I got back to class yesterday. I didn't get there as early as I would have liked, and as I passed Susan on my way into the studio I asked if she'd settled on a day and time for the Adult Pointe class. She said said she really was too busy to teach yet another class -- she's already teaching four days a week on top of her full-time job. I expressed disappointment and went to find my place at the barre and start warming up.

Coincidentally I was sharing the barre with one of the women who regularly takes class en pointe, and I said that Susan seemed to have dropped the idea of a pointe class. She said she understood, as she was pretty busy herself. In the middle of this conversation Susan walked toward the corner of the studio where I was standing and started speaking. At first I didn't think she was speaking to me, but as my brain tuned in I realized she was saying that Thursday was the only day she could schedule the class, and she'd submit a class request at Joy of Motion when she was there Monday. Wow!

So all you folks (and friends of you folks) who wanted an adult pointe class, listen up! This class is on the verge of happening. Here's a summary to date: